To put milk on the market in large numbers, it must be transformed to preserve it..
Since 2002,
There are about thirty independent companies in Haiti, all of which manufacture dairy products under the single label "Lèt Agogo®". This brand, granted under franchise, is the creation and property of a Haitian NGO called Veterimed Lèt Agogo has been internationally recognized for its originality and won first place in the CEPAL and Kellogg Foundation social innovation project competition in 2005 among 1,600 projects from 35 participating countries (see video).
Veterimed is a Haitian NGO specializing in animal health and production, created in 1991. As part of its mission to improve the living conditions of Haitian farmers, in 2002, Veterimed created a label for dairy products, the production and marketing of which are based on rustic technologies adapted to the Haitian context.
This label allows small milk producers to have better access to the market. Veterimed makes the Lèt Agogo® label available to all companies that want to participate in the development of national milk production by following the label's specifications. Veterimed does not carry out commercial operations but offers technical support to its partners to help them meet the "Lèt Agogo®" specifications.
The different milk processing companies:
Each of the dairies is an independent company with different owners. These are generally breeders' associations (see the video). Currently, around each dairy, there are on average 80 farmer-breeders who supply the milk and 8 people who work full time.
Until now, each company was responsible for marketing its products. The difficulties in storing and marketing these products are the source of enormous problems, while the market potential remains untapped, and significant economies of scale are possible.
Lèt Agogo's production covers only 1% of the market Cyclically, due to the climate, milk production is seasonal, with very marked peaks in production between the months of May and November, often inversely proportional to demand, due to the rains and competition from other local products such as mangoes.
Most of the products manufactured during peak milk production periods cannot be sold at the time of their manufacture.
They must be stored to be resold throughout the year. In addition to fresh products, VETERIMED has therefore developed techniques for manufacturing long-life products that allow processed milk to be stored at times of the year when the supply of milk produced by cows increases considerably.
Current products from Lèt Agogo
Long-life sterilized milk
Milky, sweetened and flavored drink
Made from whole milk
285 ml glass bottle to recycle
Keeps unrefrigerated for up to 9 months
Case of 24 bottles
It is a stirred yogurt,
Plain (unsweetened) or sweetened and flavored with various fruits
Made from whole milk
8 oz plastic bottle
Store refrigerated for 22 days
Cheddar cheese
Hard cheese, matured in a cellar or cold room
Made from whole milk
Store in the refrigerator for several months.
MozzAyiti cheese (Mozzarella type)
Mozzarella type cheese
Made from whole milk
Store in the refrigerator for 2 weeks or in the freezer for 3 months.